Optimizing Clean Water Services, PDAM Malang City Replaces ACB Panel at Wendit - FaktualNews.co

2022-05-28 06:12:34 By : Ms. Daisy Yang

MALANG, FaktualNews.co – The Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) of Malang City will replace the ACB (Air Circuit Breaker) Panel at the Wendit 2 pump, Thursday (11/5/2020).This activity will be carried out starting at 22.00 WIB, previously the PDAM has also conducted socialization to all residents to anticipate disruptions to clean water services during repairs.The entire community has been advised to collect water first before the ACB panel replacement process is carried out.Agustyah Isnaini, as Public Relations of PDAM Malang City explained that maintenance activities for drinking water services of PDAM Malang City are routinely carried out periodically."This infrastructure replacement is adjusted to its conditions and performance, if it is deemed inappropriate, such as this ACB panel, it will be replaced according to the applicable SOP," he said.He also hopes that all residents have a reservoir to collect water.This is an effort to anticipate if there will be improvements to the pipe network infrastructure which can cause a temporary disruption in the distribution of clean water during repairs."Tonight PDAM will replace the ACB panel at the Wendit 2 pump, so as not to disturb other activities, this is done as an effort to continue to provide optimal clean water services in the Malang City area," he added.Currently, the performance of the panels in Wendit is not good enough and it is time to replace them.In addition, this is done to avoid damage to other supporting equipment.The plan for this panel replacement will be carried out for approximately 3 hours.If the repair process exceeds the time limit, the customer can apply to the PDAM regarding the distribution of assistance in the form of clean water tanks for affected residents.To note, currently PDAM has provided clean water services in almost all areas of Malang City.*