Spring Cloud launches pluggable circuit breaker interface

2021-11-26 07:12:18 By : Ms. Sophie Xu

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InfoQ Home News Spring Cloud Launches Pluggable Circuit Breaker Interface

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The Spring Cloud incubator has launched a new project called Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker, which provides a pluggable circuit breaker interface. The circuit breaker defines a set of thresholds, exceeding these thresholds will stop the execution of the code block. This will help the system fail quickly and prevent cascading failures and system overloads. 

The Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker project is an abstraction layer across popular circuit breaker libraries in Java. The project currently supports Netflix Hystrix, Resilience4j, Sentinel and Spring Retry.

Spring Cloud is an aggregation of common tools that can be used to build cloud-native distributed systems. Spring Cloud provides functions for typical use cases such as service registration and discovery, routing, load balancing, and circuit breakers. Until recently, the circuit breaker function in Spring Cloud only relied on Netflix Hystrix. 

With the new Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker project, developers can flexibly choose other circuit breaker implementations by coding the circuit breaker interface. To select a specific implementation at runtime, the relevant startup JAR must be added to the classpath of the application.

The following code snippet shows how product services use CircuitBreakerFactory API to create CircuitBreaker and wrap the call to an external recommendation service in CircuitBreaker.

The run method of CircuitBreaker has two parameters, a supplier and a fallback function. The supplier is used to package the execution logic in a circuit breaker. The fallback function is used to specify the logic that should be executed when the circuit breaker trips.

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker provides a reactive version in the form of ReactiveCircuitBreakerFactory API. It can be used for applications built using the Reactor project. The following snippet shows how product services use the reactive version of CircuitBreaker to package calls to external recommendation services:

The behavior of the circuit breaker can be configured using the customizer bean interface. The customizer can provide default configurations for all circuit breakers or specific configurations for individual circuit breakers. 

This is a snippet showing how to provide default configurations for all circuit breakers supported by the Resilience4j implementation:

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker jars are currently available in the Spring snapshot repository. The project's documentation describes the core concepts and various configuration options.

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